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SalesAnalysis Agent Control

The “Agent Control” form displays information on all of the scheduled agents for the SalesAnalysis database.  To access and modify the Agent Control settings, the SysAdmin role is required on the SalesAnalysis Access Control List (ACL).  

Administrators can enable/disable the agents in the screen as well as check the last time an agent ran, and when it is next scheduled to run.  Additionally, reminders may be set to advise you when an agent that should be enabled, is not running.

Agent Usage Recommendations

Self-Hosting Customers

The following agents should be enabled as indicated below for companies hosting their databases on their own servers.  All agents should be enabled on the server replica, and from the server console:

  • System Maintenance (Recommended)
  • Server View Indexing (Recommended, if enough drive space available.  Contact Empowering Systems support staff with questions)
  • Remove Deletions (Recommended)

Empowering Systems Hosting Customers

The following agents should be enabled (as indicated) for companies with databases hosted on Empowering Systems’ servers.  All agents should be enabled on the SalesAnalysis administrator’s local replica except as indicated below:

  • System Maintenance (Recommended)
  • Server View Indexing (Do not enable.  Does not apply.)
  • Remove Deletions (Contact ESI Support to enable.  This should be enabled, but on our server, not a local replica.)

Agent Descriptions:

Agent Name Description
System Maintenance

Schedules the Update and Verify processes to run daily on all but account manager commission which are processed weekly.. (See “Server Log Files” help for more information). These should be run a minimum of once per week and you will be warned when you open the database if it has not run within that time frame.

Server View Indexing

Schedules the View Indexing process on the server replica.  This improves performance for users in the office that work off the server replica

Remove Deletions

Schedules the “Remove Deletions” process that deletes all items approved for deletion by the SalesAnalysis administrator.  (See “Delete Pending Views” help for more information).

“Agent Control” Action Buttons

Button Name Usage

Saves the agent control form with the new settings.

Close Closes the agent in control form.
Enable/Disable (on each row. Toggles between)

If the button says “Enable” then the agent is currently disabled.  Click the “Enable” button to turn the scheduled agent on (button changes to “Disable”).

If the button says “Disable” then the agent is currently enabled.  Click the “Disable” button to turn the scheduled agent off (button changes to “Enable)

“Agent Control” Column Descriptions:

Column Name Description
Agent Name of agent

Current status of the agent:

Green – Indicates the agent is working as scheduled.

Yellow – Indicates the agent that should be enabled is not running for some reason.

Red – Indicates the agent is not scheduled to run, and a reminder is not desired (for agents your organization will not use).

Reminder Set

Set to “Y” for all agents your organization intends to keep enabled.  If an agent with a Reminder set to “Y” becomes disabled or does not run for some reason, users will be prompted when opening the database that the agent is not running.

Run On

Name of the server on which the agent is scheduled to run.

Last Completed

Last date and time scheduled agent successfully ran.

Next Run

Next date and time the agent is scheduled to run.