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AccountManager Quick Quotes

AccountManager Quick Quotes provide the ability to quickly and simply capture basic quotation information in situations when a more formal quote is not necessary.  Quick Quotes capture only basic information such as Principal, Customer, and Quote Value without the detail of line items on Direct or Distribution Quotes.  While Quick Quotes can be shared by all the users of an AccountManager database, your AccountManager Administrator may have set certain restrictions in place, such as allowing field sales people to only see their own Quick Quotes.

Examples of when Quick Quotes might be used are:

  1. When you are required to forward a quotation as generated by your principal (for example, in their .pdf format), and you’d prefer not to have to recreate the entire quote in AccountManager for the sake of follow-up and reporting.
  2. When you give budgetary or verbal pricing over the phone, and won’t need to send a formal copy, but you want to document the information provided.

[Quick Quotes Screenshot 1]

Quick Quotes are part of a group of documents in AccountManager referred to as Business Documents, or “BizDocs.”  Other BizDocs include Opportunities, Sample Requests, RFQs, Direct and Distribution Quotes, Registrations, and Design Wins.  BizDocs can be used to “Copy Into” other BizDocs to save time, and link documents from one program together.

Creating Quick Quotes

3. Open the AccountManager database and go to any of the “Quote” views. Click on “New Quote > Quick Quote” in the action bar. 

4. A Quick Quote form will be displayed pre-populated in the Header area with a system-generated Quote Number, the default Quote Status specified in your configuration profile, your name as the “Scheduled For”, a Follow Up Date based on the setting in your User Profile, and the current date as the Quote Date.  Also pre-populated, will be the “Quote Recipient” field with the choice specified in your company’s configuration profile.  

5. If needed, change the Quote Recipient by clicking the hyperlink to select another account type.  This should be done prior to completing any other fields on the Quick Quote.

6. Select the Principal and End Customer (or CEM or Distributor, etc. depending on the “Quote Recipient”).  It is recommended to also select a contact for the Quote Recipient company as well.  (It is required to select a contact if you plan to email this information to someone).

7. Fill in desired information such as Competition, Program, and Approximate Value.

8. Enter any details pertaining to the pricing or other information in the “Comments” field.  Click the “Comments” hyperlink to preface your comments with your name and a datestamp.

9. If needed add any Attachments in the field of that name.

10. To email the recipient (i.e. End Customer, Distributor, etc), make sure there is a contact specified.  Click the “Email” action button to generate a new email pre-addressed to that contact.  (Note:  there is no Microsoft Excel format for this type of quote.  If you attached a file to the Quick Quote form, the attachment will carry through to the email.  If there is no attachment on your Quick Quote, the email will be blank between the Salutation and Signature.

11. Elaborate as needed in the Subject line and/or body of the email before sending, then click the “Send” button.

12. The email you sent will be a linked document to the Quick Quote and visible in the embedded view.

“Copying Into” Quick Quotes from Other BizDocs

Another method for creating Quick Quotes, is to use an existing BizDoc (such as an Opportunity, RFQ or Sample) pertaining to this sales project, to “copy into” a Quick Quote.  This saves time, and if an Opportunity is used, links the two documents together.

13. Open one of the existing BizDocs you already have for this sales project.

14. Click the “Copy Into” button, and then on the “Quick Quote” choice underneath.

15. When prompted, select the Quote Recipient (i.e. Customer, Distributor, CEM)

16. A Quick Quote form will open pre-populated with the common information from the original BizDoc.

17. Fill in any additional details on the Quick Quote as desired.

18. “Save” and “Close” or Email the Quick Quote to your customer.

Quick Quote Field Descriptions

(Note:  The content and/or arrangement of fields on your Quick Quotes may vary depending upon the “Quote Recipient” and/or your company’s configuration.  See your AccountManager administrator with questions).

[Quick Quotes Screenshot 2]

Action Buttons:

(Note:  The dropdown choices on your Action Buttons may vary depending upon your company’s configuration.  See your AccountManager administrator with any questions).

Button Name 



Closes the Quick Quote.

Edit / Save

(toggles between) 

Edit – Enables the ability to edit the Quick Quote.  No changes can be made until the Edit button is clicked.

Save –  Saves the Quick Quote.


Launches a new email to the contact listed for the Quote Recipient.  By default, the email will only contain the Subject line of “Quotation”, a salutation and a signature.  If there is an attachment on the QuickQuote, the attachment will also be included in the email.  Any portion of the email may be modified before sending it.


Account – Opens a new, blank Account profile.

Contact – Opens a new, blank Contact profile.

Opportunity – Opens a new, blank Opportunity profile.

Sample – Opens a new, blank Sample request.

Quote > Quote – Opens a new, blank Quotation.

            > Quick Quote – Opens a new, blank Quick Quote.

RFQ – Opens a new, blank Request For Quotation.

Registration – Opens a new, blank Registration.

Design Win / Split Request – Opens a new, blank Design Win.

Copy Into

Opportunity – Opens a new Opportunity pre-populated with common fields and information from the Quick Quote.

Sample – Opens a new Sample request pre-populated with common fields and information from the Quick Quote.

Quote – Opens a new Quote pre-populated with common fields/information from the Quick Quote.

Quick Quote – Opens a new Quick Quote pre-populated with common fields/information from the original Quick Quote.

RFQ – Opens a new Request for Quote pre-populated with common fields/information from the Quick Quote.

Design Win / Split Request – Opens a new Design Win pre-populated with common fields/information from the Quick Quote.  

Registration –  Opens a new Registration pre-populated with common fields/information from the Quick Quote.

Link to Opportunity

Allows you to link this Quick Quote to an existing opportunity.  (Click the hyperlink to select from a list)


Header Area:

(Note:  The Account (company) links displayed in the header section may vary depending upon the selected “Quote Recipient” and/or your company’s configuration.  See your AccountManager administrator with any questions)

Field Name


Quote  Number

System-generated Quote number. (This cannot be modified).


Status of Quick Quote (Open, Closed, On Hold).


Principal associated with this Quick Quote.  (Click the hyperlink to select.  Choices are a list of your Principal account profiles).

Principal Contact

Principal contact associated with this Quick Quote.


Competing company also being considered.


Program name this pricing is for.

Quote Date

Date the Quick Quote was entered. (Defaults to current date when creating the document.  This can be modified).

Quote Status

Status of this Quick Quote.  (Click the hyperlink to select.  Choices populated by your AccountManager administrator).

Quote Recipient

Intended recipient of this pricing.  This choice governs other fields on the header.

End Customer 

End Customer associated with this Quick Quote.  (Click the hyperlink to select.  Choices are a list of your End Customer account profiles).  This could also be Distributor, or CEM depending on your selection for Quote Recipient.

End Customer Contact

End Customer contact associated with this Quick Quote.  This contact is to whom the email created by clicking the “Email” button will be addressed.  This could also be Distributor Contact or CEM Contact depending on your selection for Quote Recipient.

Approximate Value

User-entered approximate overall value of the pricing given.

Enable Follow Up

Checking this box includes the Quote in the appropriate Activities views, as well as on the daily follow up emails if you have enabled that feature on your AccountManager user profile.

Follow up Date

Date follow up is required on this Quick Quote.  Displays in the appropriate Activities views, and includes the Quick Quote on the daily follow up emails on and after this date, until the document is updated, and the follow-up date is moved forward.  (This field auto-populates to the number of days forward specified on your AccountManager user profile when creating the Quick Quote.  Once the date has passed, and upon editing the Quick Quote, you will be asked if you’d like to move the date forward that default number of days again.  This date can be modified at any time).

Scheduled For

Users responsible for following up on the Quick Quote (defaults to the creator of the document). This field can be modified to include other users as well.  The people listed here will see the Quick Quote in the appropriate Activities views, as well as receive daily follow up emails including this Quick Quote as indicated above.


Files attached to this Quick Quote.  Can also be used to store “live” web site addresses relative to the Quick Quote (make sure to include “http://”).


Embedded View:

The embedded view displays the linked emails that were generated by clicking the “Email” button in the action bar.