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AccountManager Logo Documents

AccountManager supports having your company’s logo display in the upper left corner of Printed and Emailed versions of BizDocs (Samples, Quotes, RFQs etc) and Reports.  Additionally, AccountManager can support having different logos for different users (such as those in an overseas office or subsidiary location).  The SysAdmin role on the AccountManager Access Control List (ACL) is required to access the Logo views, and create Logo documents.

Creating Logo Documents (single logo for all users)

1. Open the AccountManager database, and go to the “Settings > Logos” view.

[Logo Documents Screenshot 1]

2. Click the “New Logo Document” button in the action bar.  A new logo document will open.

3. Enter a “Name” for the logo and a “Description” if desired.  (A description is really only necessary if your company will be using more than one logo).

4. Click the “Attach File” button and browse to your logo file to attach it.  (Note:  recommended filetypes are “picture types” such as .jpg, or .gif.  Before creating your logo document, you may wish to edit the picture file to an appropriate size for displaying in the upper left corner of your documents.  Usually no larger than 200 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall is a good guideline).

[Logo Documents Screenshot 2]

5. Click on “Save” and “Close” to close the logo document.

6. Next, go to “Settings > Configuration Profile”, then to the “Business Docs” tab and “General” subtab.

[Logo Documents Screenshot 3]

7. Click the “Select Logo” button and choose the logo document you just created from the list.

8. “Save” and “Close” the configuration profile.  Now, all the BizDocs your users create will pull this logo file and display that logo on the documents

Creating Logo Documents (multiple logos for different users)

9. Follow the steps above to create a second Logo document for the other logo.  

10. This is a good time to make use of the Description field so users can choose the right logo for themselves.

11. When you get to Steps 6 – 8 above, choose one of the logo files to be the default for your organization.  This would probably be the one that most of your users need, or that corresponds with your company’s headquarters.

[Logo Documents Screenshot 4]

10. Next, go to “Settings > User Profiles”, and open one of the user profiles of the individuals that needs a different logo from the default.

11. Click the Edit button, and go to the “User Information” tab.  Click the “Logo” hyperlink and choose the correct logo document

[Logo Documents Screenshot 5]

12. “Save” and “Close” the user profile.  Now all the BizDocs for this user will display the logo specific to them.

Order of Search Logo to Use

13. Prepared By’s User Profile

14. Current User’s Profile

15. Configuration Profile

16. Logo.gif in Lotus Notes Data Directory