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AccountManager Mailing Labels

AccountManager provides the ability to create and print Mailing Labels.  This feature is designed to use label templates in Microsoft Word by exporting the selected contacts into Word so that they can be printed on the selected label style.

It is also used for printing a single address in Word for use with Mail Label printers such a Dymo Label printers. Simply choose “Single Label (Printer)” then print the label using Word to your label printer.

Creating Mailing Labels

1. Open the AccountManager database and go to your preferred “Contacts” view, or to a Mail List Folder (see “Correspondence > Mail List Folders” help for information on creating mailing lists).

2. Select the contacts for whom you wish to print mailing labels, and go to “Actions > Correspondence > Mailing Labels”.

[Mailing Labels Screenshot 1]

3. Choose the style of label from the picklist and click “OK”

[Mailing Labels Screenshot 2]

4. Microsoft Word will launch, and information for your selected contacts will populate the pre-formatted template for that style of mailing label.

[Mailing Labels Screenshot 3]

 5. Insert the appropriate labels into your printer and print them.