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AccountManager Account Snapshot

Account Snapshot report allows you to produce a report that summaries information about an Account. This type of report is useful for Customer Reviews, preparing for an Account visit or even a Principal Review. The report is produced in Excel with Account Information on the first tab and the remain items each on their own tab.

Creating an Account Snapshot

1. Open the AccountManager and then open an Account.

2. Click the “Snapshot” button on the action bar.  A query screen like the one below will display.

3. Check the items you would like to display on the report.

4. Use the Status, From date and To date to further narrow your choices if required

5. The check boxes on the right can be used

  • Include Contacts from all of an Account’s Locations
  • Include all Action Items even if Include on Report is not check on the Action Item
  • Include all Opportunities even if Include on Report is not check on the Opportunity
  • Include Quick Quotes

* Note that you may have more or less choices in the graphic below based on your configuration

Account Snapshot Query

[Account Snapshot Screenshot 1]

Action Buttons:

Button Name Usage
Snapshot Report

Produces the Account Snapshot Report.

Field Names:

Field Name Description
Account Info Tab

Check this box to include a information from the Account’s Info Tab on the Account Snapshot tab of the report.


Check this box to include a Contact report tab. Checking “Include Contacts from all Locations” will include Contacts from all of an Account’s Locations.

Actions Items

Check this box to include an Action Item report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold or <clear> it to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Follow Up Date. Checking “Include All Action Items” will include the Action Item even if Include on Report is not check on the Action Item.


Check this box to include an Opportunity report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold  or <clear> it to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Identified Date. Checking “Include All Opportunities” will include the Opportunity even if Include on Report is not check on the Opportunity


Check this box to include a Sample report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold  or <clear> it to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Sample Date.

Direct Quotes

Check this box to include a Direct Quote report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold  or <clear> it to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Quote Date. Checking “Include Quick Quotes” will include Quick Quotes

Distribution Quotes

Check this box to include a Distribution Quote report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold  or <clear> it to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Quote Date. Checking “Include Quick Quotes” will include Quick Quotes.

Sales Report

Check this box to include a Billing Sales report tab. Use the Status to collect Open, Closed, On Hold  or <clear> to collect all statuses. Use the From date and/or To date to narrow the date range based on Invoice Date.