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AccountManager Desktop Client Installation & Setup Guide for the Mac

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Notes and AccountManager Installation & Setup Guide for Macintosh

For the windows installation & setup guide click here

*Please note:  While we support running AccountManager on Notes for Macintosh be aware that this is with some limitations as follows:

  1. Microsoft Office integration when running Notes for Mac is not supported.  This means things like emailing quotes, samples, design wins etc (Print Previews), Access to Reporting, Exports to excel, Importing from excel, Outlook contact sync or copy from Outlook to AccountManager is not supported and will not work.
  2. Many administrative functions are limited, access to AccountManager System Configuration, access to System Maintenance is not possible to access on the Mac.

If you must access the above features we recommend running AccountManager on Notes for Windows.  On the Mac this can be accomplished with Parallels.


To install Notes and AccountManager you will need the following:

  • Your Notes Username and Password
  • Your Domino Servername
  • Your Company’s Folder Name on the Domino server. (Hosting Customers Only)
  • A downloaded copy of the Client software download file (below) 

The recommended minimum memory configuration is 8 GB of memory for MAC OS Big Sur.  The recommended optimum system configuration is Intel i7 processor, 16GB memory (more is better) and an SSD hard drive.

***Click here to Download the Notes Client software installation kit for the Mac***

IMPORTANT!  Once Part 1 & 2 are complete, refer back to these instructions to go through Part 3.  Your system will NOT be fully installed until Part 3 has been completed successfully.

Part 1 – Installing Notes

  1. Launch the first downloaded file (Notes_1202_English_Notarized_Mac.dmg).
  2. The “Welcome to the Installation Wizard for Notes 12” window will be displayed.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. The “License Agreement” window will be displayed. Select “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click “Next”.
  5. The “Installation Path Selection” screen will appear. We recommend accepting the default locations,
  6. Click “Next”
  7. The “Custom Setup” screen will appear.
  8. Accept the default choices and click “Next”
  9. The “Ready to Install the Program” screen will appear, Click “Next”.   The installation will now proceed. This will take a few minutes.
  10. The “Install Wizard Completed Screen” will appear. Click “Finish” Once this is complete

This Completes the Part 1 “Installing Notes”.

Part 2 – Configuring Notes

We recommend configuring your computer’s power settings to not power the computer down during the initial replication of the AccountManager databases.

  1. Launch Notes by clicking Start > Programs >  HCL Applications > HCL Notes
  2. The “Notes Client Configuration, Welcome” screen will appear Click “Next
  3. The “User Information” screen will appear.
  4. Enter your “email address” in the “Your Name” field, Enter your “Domino Servername” in the Domino Server Field. Click Next.
  5. You should now be prompted for your Notes password. Enter your password and click “OK”
  6. The “Create Cross Certificate” screen may appear. If so click “Yes”
  7. The “Instant Messaging Setup” will now appear. Uncheck “Setup Instant Messaging” then click “Next”
  8. The “Additional Services” screen will now appear. Do not select any options and Click “Next”
  9. The “Notes setup is complete” screen should now appear. Click “OK”
  10. The “Create Cross Certificate” screen may now appear. If so click “Yes”
  11. The “Notes setup” screen will appear after some processing. Click the check next to “No thanks, just give me the defaults”

Then continue on to Part 3.  Your system will NOT be fully installed until Part 3 has been completed successfully.

Part 3 – AccountManager Installation

Run AM Client Setup

  1. From the menu at the top of the screen select “File > Open > Notes Application”
  2. Type your Domino server’s name in the Server field (Look In…) and press Enter
  3. (Cloud Customers Only)  Scroll down to your company’s folder and double click on it
  4. Scroll through the list of databases to “AM Client Setup” (the database name may be preceded with your company’s name) and double click on it. This will open the Setup Database.
  5. If prompted to create a “Cross Certificate” respond with “Yes”
  6. If prompted with an “Execution Security Alert” select “Start Trusting this signer” and click “OK”
  7. From the Main screen of the AM Client setup click “Start”
  8. Follow the on screen prompts. At one point you may be presented with an “Exit” button, click it then restart Notes.

That’s It! You are now ready to use Notes and AccountManager.

(Optional) Set Workspace as the Home Page

Click the “Open” Button in the upper left corner of the screen, select “Applications” then Right Click on the “Workspace” icon and select ‘Set Bookmark as Home Page’.