Empowering Systems New User Request New User Request Please fill in the information below to submit a New/Change User Request. All fields with a * are required. "*" indicates required fields Requestor's Name*Company*Requestor's Email*Requestor's Phone*New User InformationNew User's Full Name*(as they would like it to appear eg., Bob Jones vs. Robert Jones)New User's Title*New User's Phone*New User's Email*AccountManager Access* Data for all accounts Data for their assigned accounts What level of access does the new person require to AccountManagerNew User's Start Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Access to AccountManager Mobile? Yes No Requires Subscription **Access to SalesAnalysis? Yes No Requires Subscription **SalesAnalysis Access Data Entry View Only Data Entry (Access to All Accounts and Sales data. Allows Importing and data entry in SalesAnalysis) View only access* Their Sales only All Sales Access to Commissions* Yes No Access to AccountReporter? Yes No Requires Subscription ** **New Subscription charges may applyIs this user replacing another user?If the above user is replacing an existing user, please specify the existing user here, and specify what you would like us to do with their existing email (if applicable).Name user above is replacingWho should have access to the former user's mailbox?CommentsSpecify the "Branch" if appropriateNew User Registration Required (Service Charge: ESI Cloud $75)Client Software Installation Service Yes No Optional ($150 AccountManager Desktop, $200 AccountManager Desktop and Office 365, $250 for reconfiguration of existing installation) Installation on System without AccountManager currently installed System with AccountManager previously installed Send Quote Yes No (Adds 1 day to process)